Science of manifestation

Greetings from THE DIVINE MOTHER and HER Disciples and Companions THE ELOHIM.
We rejoice in our meeting with Love and Light. The Angels dance and sing your praise. We are grateful for this open and clear channel through which we bestow Love and Healing to all who ask.

You come yet to Us with questions. Are they still unanswered? Where do you look for answers? We say always look inside, not outside. You may like the outdoors but it is a reminder of what lay indoors. Do not look to others to answer your questions. Do not look to others to resolve your problems. Do not look for Love outside of You. All you ever want, need, desire is inside You. You Are the Answer. You Are the Solution. You Are the Medicine. You Are the Love. You Are Who/What you have been yearning for.

Do not mistake Us. We do not underestimate your pain in your dimension. We know how acute you feel your pain is. How real the ailment is for you. We know how serious is the matter to you. We see, read, hear your feelings. You are so wrapped up in them at the moment that they are the only thing to exist. We Are here to say that they are not the only thing that exist. We say to you that they don’t exist in Truth. They only exist in your mind and limited vision. They are a creation, a fickle creation of your confused mind.

We want to be clear: You Are a powerful manifest-er. You Are a potent Co-creator with the Universe. Wherever you direct your mind, it will attract and bring you what you want. For the Universe, you mind focus is a command. It is compelled to answer this command and bring you the object of your focus.
The more you focus on your object, the more of it you get. For All-That-Is, it is what you want.
Yet you say I do not want pain. Why do I have more pain? Because you focus on pain. For a moment/eternity, you only see, hear and feel pain. Your mind is filled with pain. The Universe does not judge the nature of the object of your mind focus. the Universe only want to co-create with you and fulfill its purpose.

Do you not see it now? You focus on your partner or children’s undesired qualities. The more you focus on them (get frustrated, angry…), the more of them you get. You focus your mind on your unpaid bills and debts, then your mind is filled only with this lack of money. With The energy of lack. The Universe once again will bring you more lack and more unpaid bills. More of whatever you focus you mind on.

The Source-of-All does not judge you. We do not judge you. It is a part of your learning process. Now ask: does this work for me? How can I change it? How can I manifest more of what I want? Yet you ask: how do I learn how to manifest? Hear Us: you already know how to manifest. Look around you. You may like what it is manifested. But it is the product of your power of manifestation.

You are like a child with a powerful chainsaw. But because you do not know how to use it, you wreak havoc around you. It is not Our Intention to belittle you. We use your words to explain your situation. Now this chainsaw in the hands of a skilled focused person would shape and carve beautiful and useful creations.

What you want is to focus your mind on what you really want. Not on what you do not want. We hear easy said then done. Fair enough. That it is why like that child you can be trained to taught to use your chainsaw. You may choose your pace. You can learn as slowly or as rapidly as you wish. You can take it  step by step. Or you can skip to the gifted program. Whatever the pace you choose, you are already gifted with the knowledge. You are entitled to choose what you want to do, always.

Focus your mind on what you still like in your partner or liked even if you don’t see any likable traits presently. Focus your mind on the innocence an d loveliness of the child inside your maddening teenager. Focus your mind on the bills you are able to pay. Focus your mind on the food you have on the table. Focus your mind on the part of your body that is functioning. Focus your mind on the money that comes in no matter the amount.
While you focus your mind on the blessing you already have, open heart and give thanks to The Higher Powers that Be to this blessing. Sit in this space of Gratitude as long as you feel it. You may start with a small space and then enlarge it daily to contain all the little and big things you are grateful for. There you stay and focus your mind on your blessings and fill your heart with the Energy of Gratitude.

This raises your vibration. It lifts you up literally. Then you start harmonizing with the higher vibrations of Universe. The vibration of what you truly want.
No matter how bad things are in your life right now, there is surely one thing that you are grateful for. Find that little one sparkle in your life and build a palace of Gratitude  around it with your mind and heart.

Shift your mind focus and your life shifts. Shift your vision and your reality shifts. You already Are a powerful Co-Creator. It is all there. Use It. Be It.

We Bless you and shower you with THE MOTHER’s Love, Joy and Bliss.
Walk in Light.

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